AMC Position Statement – Rider Training
Rider training and education is an important part of any comprehensive motorcycle safety strategy. Training should not be considered only for novice riders but should be a ‘whole of life’ experience with riders undertaking training throughout their riding career.
Priority:- High
Where we are now
Various levels of novice rider training are available in all states of Australia. In most states this training is compulsory.
In 1992 – 1994, 19% of motorcyclists involved in fatal crashes were unlicensed. The current stringent requirements for learner training could be discouraging some riders from obtaining a licence.
In addition to novice rider training, independent rider training schools offer a range of post licence training. Some of these courses are designed to only improve rider physical skills, while other courses address both physical skill and behavioural issues. There are also operators who conduct track days at various racetrack venues.
Where we want to be
That riders view training as a whole of life experience where they undertake training throughout their riding career.
That a range of courses are readily accessible at moderate cost to all those wishing to undertake training.
Training companies and ride day operators run courses that cover both skill and behavioural issues.
That all riders are appropriately licensed and effectively skilled.
How to get there
Encourage Governments to fund or partially fund training for novice and licensed riders.
Establish a national standard for licensing training.
Seek funding to research to ascertain if cost or other socio-demographic issues dissuades individuals from undertaking training and licensing.
Encourage riders to undertake post licence training.
Encourage training schools and ride day operators to run courses that cover physical and mental skills as well as appropriate decision making.